Happy Times

It’s the start of another week and the start of another week of STAR testing for the big kids.  STAR testing is staggered between their three schools so after two weeks Wilson is done, Max has another week left and Olivia is just starting.  🙂  And if our calculation is right, we are down to 28 school days left before summer vacation!!! Happy times…

Speaking of the school year coming to a close, we had so much fun with the kids’ teachers last week…there was so much fun to be had and so many teachers and guests this year that we had to spread the celebrations over two evenings!  ha ha  As always it was just such a great opportunity to honor and thank the kids’ teachers for a great school year as well as celebrate community!  The inclusion of Rudy’s teachers this year was particularly special as I’m still blown away by the fact that Rudy is in school!!  He ultimately transitioned well to his long bus ride and to being in his wonderful classroom and we couldn’t be more pleased with his experience.  When we stop and think about the number of people it takes to educate our son from his classroom teachers, to his therapists, to his traveling nurse and to the folks at the county office that coordinate it all, we are humbled and deeply grateful.

I’m so bummed because I meant to get a picture of everyone and I forgot!!!!  😦

In addition to all the fun of last week, we also had some medical stuff to take care of.  We had our first visit with the urologist on Thursday and were relieved that no action is necessary on Rudy’s bit and pieces at this point.  Dr. Cumes would like to keep an eye on him but doesn’t feel there is a need to intervene now so we can check that off the list as we continue to wait for the sleep study results and confirmation of the heart cath date in July.

Ironically, I was wondering just last week if maybe we could talk to Rudy’s neurologist about starting to wean Rudy off his seizure medication since he hadn’t had a seizure since his onset last May. He did, however, seizure on Friday night so this could be an indication that he’s growing out of his current dose.  Once again it was Wilson who identified something was wrong…good job Wil!  Thankfully the seizure was mild and only lasted for about 40 seconds so we didn’t take him to the ER but I’ll need to follow up with Dr. Corazza today and figure out what our next step should be.

So there are a few things to follow up on this week including a blood draw I’m seriously delayed in getting done….yikes!

Oh, by the way, I’m hosting my “Silver By Trish” Spring Event this Friday and Saturday just in time for Mother’s Day and upcoming graduations.  If you are local, you’re welcome to drop by our home Friday May 4th from 5-7pm or Saturday May 5th from 2-6pm and take a peek at a variety of great gifts.  It has been a few years since I’ve managed to get this spring event on the calendar so I’m looking forward to it.  ‘Hope you can join us.  🙂

Okay, we’ll be in touch…thank you for your continued prayers…we’re so grateful for our “Rudy’s Beat Community”!!!



4 thoughts on “Happy Times

  1. And I am so thankful for Rudy’s Beat! It is always such a blessing to get the latest news. Thank you, Rolf and Trish, and good work Wilson for being tuned in again to Rudy’s seizure. You are ALL professional care givers! Good idea to get your blood test, Trish..do it–mama says……………………………..Love to all

    1. Thanks Mom. You’re so funny…it’s actually Rudy’s blood draw I’m delayed in getting done, not mine! Ha Ha Ha BUT, you’ll be happy to know that I’m all up to date on my annual physical/mammogram/etc, etc and I’m healthy as a horse…a healthy horse, that is! 🙂 Love you

  2. Praying for Rudy and you all! Always happy to read a good report and know that you are always in Gods (good) hands. Wish we could make the silver event. Let me know when there is one down my way. (((HUgs)))

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