Sluuuuumber Paaaaartaaaaay!

So, the bad news is Rudy’s feeding pump broke on Thursday night and crApria can’t get us a replacement until Monday.  It’s not a danger for Rudy but it does mean that Rolf and I have to strategically alternate feeding Rudy manually via the g-tube a couple of times throughout the night…a bit reminiscent of nights with a newborn again.  Ha Ha   Rudy doesn’t know the difference and sleeps through it all anyway…Rolf and I, on the other hand, are a bit blurry-eyed.  After the alarm sounded at 3:00am last night (or should I say “this morning”), I couldn’t go back to sleep!!!  BUT, there is a flipside…the good news is because Rudy didn’t have to be all hooked up to the pump last night, he was free to join the big kids in their weekly Friday night movie/slumber party!  Olivia and Max excitedly set up the necessary blankets, comforters and pillows and proudly propped Rudy up between them.  By 3am, Rudy managed to make his way to the foot of their set up on the floor but slept soundly all night long.  Even Wilson decided to stay on the couch all night (he’s old enough now to prefer sleeping in his own bed and usually wanders off to bed when the younger ones fall asleep).  Rudy woke up at 6am pretty giddy to find himself surrounded by sleeping sibs and systematically woke them all up by kicking on the cabinet under the T.V.  Sooooooo fun!

Where's Rudy?
There he is!
"Schlaf gut" little ones...

I don’t know though…with school and sibling slumber parties, Rudy is getting a little big for his britches and typical toddler behavior is setting in!  Today during his bath he said a very articulate “NO” to just about everything I tried to wash!  Ha Ha   And so it begins…

8 thoughts on “Sluuuuumber Paaaaartaaaaay!

  1. Hope you and the newly redubbed Uncle Scheeferbottomhead get some sleep soon. Dad likes to take naps at the office.

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