Rudy’s finally resting…

‘Just a quick nighty-night from PICU Rm. 5453 as Rudy is finally asleep which is my  cue to go grab a bite to eat and head to bed myself.  Rudy struggled to find a comfortable rhythm all day.  He was fitful and in constant motion…since the goal was to keep Rudy calm, he got some heavy doses of pain meds that didn’t seem to help for the longest time and then, finally, he crashed late this afternoon in time to head down to radiology for the upper GI test that Dr. Shew requested.  The preliminary results show that the intestines are working properly and the chylous fluid is not coming from a leak in the bowels/intestines.  This is helpful information but doesn’t tell us where it is coming from so we’ll continue with the plan to allow Rudy’s stomach wound to heal, watch the fluid  output and pray it stops soon.  The special stitches Dr. Shew used to close Rudy’s incision need to stay in approximately 4 weeks… these stitches and the drainage tube would not be things that would keep Rudy in the hospital normally but because there are a few other things going on, our hope for a homecoming in possibly 3 weeks seems a long shot at this point.  We just have to wait and see.   Rudy remained on the vent all day with no sprints on the trach collar because he was so fussy…so maybe after a good night’s rest, we can start back on a course for weaning.  Speaking of “good night’s rest”, I’m ready for one.  Goodnight everyone…thank you for the calls, emails and blog comments.  I may be a little weepy tonight but I feel like we are surrounded and uplifted and that is of great comfort.  Blessings…

18 thoughts on “Rudy’s finally resting…

  1. Sleep tight momma. Rest… in the Lord….He’s bigger than all these very frustrating bumps…..This all is beyond you, your strenght and your understanding…His understanding is beyond our time frame…..

    Much love and prayers…

  2. Trish, you are such a strong woman. You are allowed to be weepy. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord and allow him to carry you when you feel the weight is too heavy. You don’t always have to be strong, just remember that HE is your strength. You are an incredible woman and a mother to be honored. Know that you are loved and prayed for. Sleep in his arms tonight.

  3. Trish: May the peace of God enfold you as you rest tonight; may the peace of God enfold dear Rudy as his body recovers from this latest assault; may the healing powers of sleep strengthen you both, body and spirit; and may you, dear Trish, awake refreshed, encouraged, trusting in the Lord moment by moment as you face into whatever tomorrow brings. With you, I pray that tomorrow will bring: noticeable lessening of the fluids draining from Rudy’s incision; his ability to be weaned from the trach, gradually strengthening and lengthening throughout the day; healing of that incision so that feeds can begin very soon. And most especially I pray for shards of hope and encouragement sent directly to your mother’s heart tomorrow and each day this week. Recovery from this latest frightening and frustrating series of events is critical for YOU as well as for your son. And may Rolf and the older children sleep peacefully as well – it’s hard, hard, hard – no matter which end of the freeway you’re located. Many blessings in the name of Jesus, Diana

  4. I’m praying with you and for you. I was so discouraged with you last night. May the peace of our Lord be with you . . .

    Good night

  5. Love and prayers knowing you need strength to continue on this journey. I hope you are sleeping by now. Hugs……

  6. I have faith all will turn around and improve soon.

    My husband, Cameron and I just returned from the Chris Tomlin concert, it really lifted out spirits. I pray that you will find something to lift your during these hardest days.

    Love, hugs and kisses

  7. Hope you rested well and those alarms did not ring all night.
    Praying for healing. Hugs to all of you Oma

  8. Praying for you and your beautiful family. You are such an example of strength , which as we know comes from the Lord. Without Him, everything we go through would just be too much. I’ll send you an e-mail ,I am hoping to come down today. I have a couple of things for you. Blessings, Cindy

  9. We awakened to a call from Lel this morning. She thought the grandparents probably needed a word of encouragement, too. Bless her. We did feel a letdown with the reports of Rudy being another yo yo dive. Wish we were there with you. G’pa Dick had another encouraging appt. with the oncologist Tuesday and that was a yo yo soaring event. So we await word today from you, sweet Trish. Hang on tight, honey. With God’s help, we can do this!

  10. Dear Rolf, Trish & family,

    As always, my prayers, hugs, and love are with you right now!! I know Satan is gloating right now, BUT GOD IS GREATER, MUCH GREATER!!!! He knows your name and every tear that falls!!! As Cindy said, without God, we would really be up the creek!!

    I want to give you this message from a link called “God’s Yellow Pages”):

    Matthew 11:28-30 (King James Version)

    28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

    30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    Cast all your cares upon HIM!!


  11. I’m praying for all you Geylings and the grandparents also. Hang in there and trust in His love and Providence! You have been incredibly strong and faithful and certainly are due a few tears!

  12. Rest well, dear Trish. Rudy’s healing seems to be taking place in baby steps.

    With love for you both,
    Katie’s Nana

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