Oops…No Bubbles Today!

Rudy on 1-13-09
Rudy on 1-13-09
Mommy helping with Rudy's IVP treatment
Mommy helping with Rudy’s IVP treatment

So sorry to leave everybody hanging but Rudy didn’t get his bubble bath last night afterall.  In the time it took me to get from Santa Barbara to L.A. Rudy got all fussy again causing his heart rate to soar and a bit of a fever.  Nurse Mary and I worked to get him calmed down when I arrived and she didn’t want to risk getting him worked up again so we let him rest.  Although I slept pretty good, Rudy fought a heart rate above 200 and the nagging fever again throughout the night so we settled for a sponge bath this morning at 5:30am.  Today has been much of the same.  I did get to hold him for 2 hours and although he was fussy when we started, he did calm down and fall asleep for a couple of long stretches as we cuddled (unlike last week when I couldn’t calm him down and we had to cut our time short).  He remains at 14bpm and a pressure support of 14 on the ventilator and Dr. Rick is going to leave him there…no weaning today.  Our hopes of an attempt to extubate will have to be put on hold for now.  I hope to post those sudsy, bubbly bubble bath pictures later today…standby!

Since we’re on the subject of baths, I have to share a special little “hug” from God I received this morning.  Although Rudy’s condition didn’t warrant drama last week, I was feeling pretty discouraged and I realize now that the discouragement was due, in part, to simply getting tired of the hospital routine.  I admit that I’m starting to get a little tired of the drive back and forth between Santa Barbara and L.A. as well as the soup downstairs (as yummy as it is) and the walk out of the ICU, down the hall and the wait to be buzzed back in again every time I want to go to the bathroom….etc.  But the thing that is getting the most tiresome is showering in that same bathroom down the hall outside the unit.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m REALLY thankful that I even have a place to shower and that I’m able to stay with Rudy at night but morning after morning for the past 2 months, I’ve woken up, grabbed my tub of toiletries and made my way to the only “public use” shower on the floor.  Sometimes I have to wait my turn and sometimes I’m lucky enough to find it empty but always I have to do a bit of cleaning before I can begin.    I’ll spare you the details but, let’s just say, people don’t give a whole lot of thought to how they leave a bathroom when they are finished.   Icky by a normal person’s standards…worse for someone like me with MILD O.C.D. tendencies (no wisecracks Rolf!).  Well,  I made the walk down the hall this morning dreading my trip to the “spa” when I opened the bathroom door to the strong scent of “Pine Sol”!  The shower room was clean and well stocked with t.p. and papertowels and I was in “hospital heaven”!!!!!  Call me a simpleton but it made my day!!!!  You know what they say, “Fresh Undies, Fresh Outlook!”.  No, nobody says that, I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.  🙂

So, today is a new day and we forge ahead in the fight alongside Rudy and trust in his continued measurable progress.  Thank you for loving him…and us…in this journey!

15 thoughts on “Oops…No Bubbles Today!

  1. Trish, it is those simple things that make us Fink’s/Treu’s happy isn’t? That glass is ALWAYS half full to us. I like to think Sadie was like that and maybe Meta Kathreen too. With as many children they both had, simple pleasures had to mean so much to them. God has blessed us with this trait, as simple as it is. I will wait for bubble bath pictures. ha Love, Cousin Dianna

  2. Hilarious!!! I’m going to use that expression on my kids!! Well, God knew you needed a squeaky-clean upper today!!

    Luke’s teacher just popped in and asked about how the bubble bath went….so fun to know his class is still praying!

    I hope your outlook continues to sparkle (now nobody will look down on you all the “rigormarole” you go through on those hospital stays!) and believe me, you are still shining Trish!

    Loves and hugs to Clinton Rudolf!! We’re waiting for you, buddy!

  3. Maybe that’s the answer to the world’s problems, we should all just “change our underwear” Loved that Trish. I will use that on my family when bad attitudes arise.

  4. That is my new favorite phrase! “Fresh undies… fresh outlook!” I am going to see how many times I can say that this week. I can’t wait for the bubble bath pictures! Hopefully today!

  5. Oh my gosh – I’ve never vocalized it but I TOTALLY ascribe to the fresh underwear outlook on life.

    Praying for you all.


  6. Oh my dear Trish! Your journaling is at times poignant, heart-breaking, inspiring…and laugh-out-loud hilarious. Your words so put a visual picture in our heads, that we picture ourselves right there with you, which is exactly where we wish we could be. To HUG the guts out of you.

  7. Trish…you are a KOOK! I love that your ‘spa’ was sparkling and fresh for you–I can so relate to your feelings about that!

    Praying that Rudy will continue to make steady progress–bet he can’t wait to have a bubble bath! 🙂 May you be encouraged this week–we all are praying and supporting you during this long journey.

    I’m standing in the line to “HUG the guts out of you”, too! Love the way Lin put that! 🙂

    Love and HUGS!

  8. Trish, hope that bubble bath comes through! I know what you mean about a clean bathroom, I have to do that in my home!!!! Ha ha. Praying for you guys and wishing we could be with you…Lots of love to everyone.

  9. Trish – I love how you meet every challenge with a smile. You’re outlook on life is a model for us all. Keep smiling. It’s contageous.

  10. Trish – What a great blog!! See? Like my boss and I tell each other every day. It is the little things that mean the most sometimes!!

    God bless, be positive and stay strong!!


  11. I have visited that particular “spa” and know exactly what you are refering to. Im glad you were able to have a Pine Sol moment. It is always the small things in life we are most grateful for 😉

  12. LOL Trish! I’m going to remember the “Fresh undies, fresh outlook” line the next time whiny girls keep me from the shower before our walk to school!

  13. Oh, Trish! I can so relate to the clean bathroom deal! When I was living in the dorms in seminary, I used to jump in the shower in the afternoon right after the cleaning service finished up.

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